Wired to Serve

From the moment of our conversion, each receives a unique set of gifts and calling from God. Our combination of gifts is unique. Not one of us has ever been replicated on this earth! Our giftedness includes our talents and abilities, styles, interests, experiences, preferences, and passions for serving in the world. Our gifts are part of an abundant web of giftedness in our faith community. These gifts were given to us so that we might minister together as partners in God’s work in the world. And our gifts are meant for us to enjoy too! When we live out our gifts, we discover the joys of an abundant life.


This Spiritual Gift Inventory (below) has three purposes:
* To help you identify your own gifts;
* To help our faith congregation recognize and celebrate the abundance of gifts God has given us to serve each other as the body of Christ;
* To gather information for a resource database so our shared ministry team can make you aware of ministry opportunities in our church and community that match your own gifts.

Next Steps

1. Take the Spiritual Gift Inventory & identify your top 3 gifts. Your results will be automatically sent to a coordinator who will follow up you shortly. When you’re done, go on to the next step, below, to learn more about your gifts and the ministry opportunities to put them to work at CTK. Note: to take multiple inventories for members of the same household, be sure to clear your cache or use a different browser for each one. Or if you prefer, download a paper version and score the results by hand. If you need assistance, call 727-595-2117.

2. Find out where you can use your gifts at CTK to get involved and serve! Each gift has a list of ministry opportunities to get involved, today!