Small Groups

Why Small Groups?
Just as the early church met in small groups and homes, Christ The King has many small groups that meet in homes, on the church campus, and in restaurants. Small groups have 8-12 people, are led by the participants and feature scriptural study and shared discussion. These groups are a great place to ask questions and offer an opportunity to build community together around the Word of God. If you’re looking for an informal, easy way to get involved and meet new people at Christ The King, this is your place. Prior Biblical knowledge is not required!

Current Small Groups at CTK

      • Men of Faith
        We invite all the men out there to join us the second Saturday of each month @ 8a. We will meet in the CMC for a Man-Sized Breakfast followed by manly fellowship and discussion. For more information contact Stewart 727-595-4323.
      • B & B (Bible & Beverages)
        The B & B Small Group Bible Study meets in the Administration Building Conference room. Come join a fun-loving group of people for hearty laughs as they study the Word of God. For more info call Chuck or Alice at 727-585-2566. Every other (1st & 3rd) Tuesday at 630p in the Administration building conference room.
      • Care Giver Support Group (on break)
        Second Tuesday every month at 630p –Administration building classroom. For more information call Leslie Coleman at 727-399-1630.
      • Agape (on break)
        Agape is the Greek word for unconditional love, and God’s love is all over the Psalms. Learn more about one of the most widely-read and treasured books of the Old Testament. Study the Book of Psalms with us on the second and fourth Monday of the month in the Conference Room at 1030a and be part of a journey through Psalms. Agape resumes in January. Call office for more info 727-595-2117.
Learn more about large group Bible studies
Interested in joining or leading a small group?  Call the church office, 727-595-2117.